Unit 3, New Line Rd, NG17 8JQ

(0)1623 687610

While the benefit of using plastic as a whole is undeniable due to its flexibility, natural resistances and lightweight strengths, it is not without its fair share of challenges. There are common hurdles often faced by not just the fabricators, but the industry as a whole in showcasing the image of plastic production.

‘Any publicity is good publicity’… We’re not so sure.

Did you know that it is estimated that the woodworking industry causes 70% more damage to the environment than the plastic industry?

Did you know that the plastic industry is one of the most active in reducing its production emissions as a whole?

How do we get away from plastic being such a ‘dirty’ word and heavily scolded when other industries which are far worse get off with a slight wrap around the wrist?

Don’t get us wrong, we know the narrative wont change, and to a degree we don’t want it to. We all should be doing more for the environment as spoken about in previous posts.

To navigate through these stormy relentless taboo waters, we need to highlight the positives of plastic like the saviour lighthouse on a far-off coastline.

The variety of materials give endless scope to what can be achieved. We have manufactured medical hypoxic chambers for precision critical testing at optical clarity, but also within the same breath manufactured extreme resilience wear strips for the Space Programme. We have manufactured large scale gardening planters out of re-generated material which are housed within the ground, as well as a wall-sized jellyfish tank capable of withstanding tons of pressure of water. They’re so many different materials which can be utilised for near enough any requirement.

We can’t break the taboo, so let’s work through it.